Ani'motion 池洪个人影展
池洪 Chi Hong
Getty Images, National Geographic 美国国家地理等国际杂志供稿人,旅行以及人像摄影专家,相信摄影能教会我们更好地观照世界。
2002年被荷兰国家Het Parool报纸评为优秀旅行专家
2008年成为Getty Images 供稿人
2010年成为 National Geographic 美国国家地理供稿人
2018年与荷兰Kr?ller MüllerMuseum 库勒-慕勒 博物馆合作广告图片
· 20年丰富的旅行经验,曾作为荷兰知名旅行社金牌全陪带领团队游历欧洲,亚洲多国及地区(荷兰/法国/捷克/德国/中国/西藏/不丹/印度/尼泊尔等)
· 私人旅行定制专家,根据多年旅行经验设计出不同于传统旅行社的独家线路并亲自带队亚洲及欧洲多国旅行,如原汁原味荷兰深度游,尼泊尔安纳普尔那环线徒步,印度恒河圣地行,拉贾斯坦天方夜谭之旅。
· 行摄之旅-用摄影师的角度带领朋友们在旅途中边走边拍,收获美好。
By choosing the theme Ani’motion (short forAnimal Emotion) Dutch-Chinese photographer Chi Hong (Chih Hung) has taken upthe challenge to capture animals in an unconventional and artistic way. Theresult is surprising in two ways. First, animals are portrayed in a way that wehave not or rarely seen before. Perhaps more surprising is how much “human” their emotions are, how much their emotions and expressions resemble ours.
Chi Hong has successfully created a mirrorof each of his photos – using animals to reflect our own human emotions. This human element is what makes his photographic work so powerful and leaves a deepimpression. In the photographer’s own words: “It is more important to have aprint on one’s mind than on photographic paper”.
As a contributor to National Geographic andother renowned international magazines Chi Hong has traveled extensively aroundthe globe and shot topics ranging from landscapes to architecture and people,always trying to capture the essence of what is in front of his lens, andalways approaching his subjects from a unique and creative angle. With his Ani’motion animal series he has once again succeeded in doing so!
以“动之以情”为主题,荷兰籍华裔摄影家Chi Hong(Chih Hung)不拘泥于传统艺术视角,用镜头捕捉动物情感。这种尝试的结果令人惊喜。动物被镜头描绘成一种我们从未见或罕见的形象,另一点更令人惊讶,动物的情感和表情都和我们人类何其相似!他们的情感具有“人性”。
Chi Hong巧妙的将他的每一副作品变为一面镜子——用动物影像来反映我们人类的情感。正是人的元素使他的摄影作品变得如此有力并深入人心。用摄影师自己的话来说:“在脑海中留下印迹比在相纸上留下印迹更重要。”
作为《国家地理》杂志以及其他知名国际杂志撰稿人,Chi Hong曾在全世界各地旅行,拍摄从风景到建筑以及人物等各种题材,他试图捕捉镜头前的精髓,总是能找寻到独特并富有创造性的角度来拍摄主题。这一次Ani'motion 动物系列,他再次成功地做到了。
(译文 by Aiwen)
Photos of animals in movement, eitherrunning, jumping, flying or diving can be very spectacular and powerful - but more powerful are photos that capture their emotion. The more we look at theiremotion, the more“human” they become. Animal emotions are much like human emotions. There islove, affection, friendship, fear, aggression, grief, laughter, curiosity, naughtiness, fatigue, contemplation, humor etc… There are so many similarities by just looking at them. "Ani'motion"is about these emotional similarities.
Each photo is amirror, reflecting our own human emotions. Take a look at the pictures and you will see that we are just like growling monkeys, roaring lions, thick-skinnedrhinos, graceful swans, elegant and tough at the same time like demoisellecranes.
---By ChiHong
我们常常会惊叹于镜头捕捉到的动物运动中的瞬间,或奔跑、或跳跃、或飞翔、亦或潜游- 然而定格于镜头下的动物的情感画面才更为有力。我们观察得越多,它们就变得越“人性”。动物的情感很像人类:爱情、恋慕、友谊、恐惧、挑衅、悲伤、欢笑、好奇、淘气、疲惫、沉思、幽默…… 只需要看着它们,我们与动物间的相似便会跃然而出。Ani’motion是关于动物与人类情感相似性的影展。每张照片都是一面镜子,映射出人类自身的情感。花些时间来看看这些照片,你会发现那咆哮的猴子,怒吼的雄狮,厚皮的犀牛,高贵的天鹅,既优雅又坚韧的蓑羽鹤不正像我们自己么?
(译文 by Iris)